Nogales Highlights


The Nogales, AZ population was 20,693 in 2012 compared to 20,837 in 2010. The Nogales, AZ, AZ population has decreased by 0.7% from 2010 to 2012. In Nogales, AZ 41.9% of people are foreign born, and language other than English spoken at home is 89.4%.


The sister-city area of Nogales, AZ, Arizona, and Nogales, AZ, Sonora, Mexico, is known collectively as Ambos (both) Nogales, AZ. This area was historically one city and was administratively divided by the Gadsden Purchase in 1853. Ambos Nogales, AZ share approximately 5 linear miles of international border, and is Arizona's largest international border town.


The median age is 34.2. The US median is 37.2. 49.75% of people in Nogales, AZ, AZ, are married. 9.35% are divorced. The average household size is 3.57 people. 32.61% of people are married, with children. 26.04% have children, but are single.


The income per capita in Nogales, AZ is 34.1% less than the Arizona average and 43.5% less than the National average. The median household income in Nogales, AZ is 34.9% less than the Arizona average and 43.7% less than the National average. The median household income in Nogales, AZ for owner occupied housing is 64% greater than the median household income for renter occupied housing in Nogales, AZ.


The cost of living in the city of Nogales, AZ 16.4% less than the Arizona average, and 14.9% less than the National average.


Nogales, AZ is home to 4 International Ports of Entry, including the Morley Pedestrian Port of Entry, Dennis Deconcini Pedestrian and Passenger Vehicle Port of Entry, Nogales, AZ International Airport, and the Mariposa Port of Entry with up to 20 inspection lanes. The Nogales, AZ-Mariposa Port of Entry, $200 million expansion, consists of 12 passenger vehicle inspection lanes and 8 commercial inspection lanes. The number of pedestrians that cross the Nogales, AZ Port of Entry on a daily basis is higher than the number of people that arrive daily at Los Angeles Airport (LAX) or Chicago O’Hare Airport.

The Nogales, AZ-Mariposa Land Port of Entry is the fourth busiest land port of entry in the United States, and nearly 10 million individuals crossed the border in Nogales, AZ in 2013. Mariposa serves as the main port of entry for fresh produce entering the United States from Mexico and the primary produce distribution point on the United States’ southern border, handling approximately 37% of all Mexican imported fresh produce in the United States. In 2011, $26 billion flowed through the Arizona-Sonora border in imports and exports, with most of that through Nogales, AZ.


The median home value in Nogales, AZ is 32.4% less than the Arizona average and 40% less than the National average. The median price asked for homes in Nogales, AZ is 34.7% greater than the Arizona average and 58.9% greater than the National average. The median rental rates in Nogales, AZ is 14.7% less than the Arizona average and 22.2% less than the National average.


Nogales, AZ public schools spend $7,491 per student. The average school expenditure in the U.S. is $12,435. There are about 18.4 students per teacher in Nogales, AZ.


The average one way commute time in Nogales, AZ is 18 minutes. The average travel time to work in Nogales, AZ is 30.8% less than the Arizona average and 30.8% less than the National average. The number of people who take public transportation in Nogales, AZ is 101.2% greater than the Arizona average and 10.2% less than the National average. The number of people who carpool to work in Nogales, AZ is 2.6% less than the Arizona average and 34.3% greater than the National average. The number of people who work from home in Nogales, AZ is 50% less than the Arizona average and 32.4% less than the National average.


On average, there are 288 sunny days per year in Nogales, AZ. The July high is around 95 degrees. The January low is 30. The most monthly precipitation in Nogales, AZ occurs in July with 4.2 inches. Nogales, AZ gets 16 inches of rain per year. The US average is 37. Snowfall is 3 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 55.


The city of Nogales, AZ, Arizona, depends on several groundwater well fields for its water supply. The Primary source of water is located in four shallow aquifer units along the Santa Cruz River. The portion of the Santa Cruz River upon which Nogales, AZ, Arizona, and the surrounding area depends drains approximately 1,680 square miles of watershed; its major tributaries are Nogales, AZ Wash, Sonoita Creek, and Sopori Wash.


There are 65 physicians per 100,000 population in Nogales, AZ, AZ. The US average is 261. Air quality in Nogales, AZ, AZ is 95 on a scale to 100 (higher is better). This is based on ozone alert days and number of pollutants in the air, as reported by the EPA. Water quality in Nogales, AZ, AZ is 50 on a scale to 100 (higher is better). The EPA has a complex method of measuring watershed quality using 15 indicators. Superfund index is 99 on a scale to 100 (higher is better). This is upon the number and impact of EPA Superfund pollution sites in the county, including spending on the cleanup efforts.


68.19% of the people in Nogales, AZ, AZ are registered as Democrats. 30.44% are registered Republican. And, remaining 1.37 are registered Independent.


Information is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed.
Last updated: September 24,2014.
Sources available upon request.