Community Life

Santa Cruz River Valley

If you are considering relocating to beautiful Santa Cruz Valley in Southern Arizona and are in search for an outdoorsy and leisure environment, I invite you to explore our communities from Sahuarita down Interstate 19 to the border town of Nogales. 

In This Section

Community Demographics
A close look at the area and what it has to offer.
Community Highlights
Our quality and customs of living in Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
Cost Of Living Comparisons
Costs of living place a vital role in our lives. Learn if our area is suitable for your lifestyle.
Santa Cruz Valley Schools
Learn more about the schools in Santa Cruz Valley K-12 schools.
Santa Cruz Valley Climate
Community Development
Economic Development
Resources for organizations in reference to community and economic development
Nogales Ports of Entry
Crossing the Border at the Green Valley, AZ, AZ Ports of Entry, DeConcini, Mariposa, and/or Morley Gate.
Employment Opportunities
Classified ads for jobs within Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
Community Safety
Safety tips to protect our communities and crime statistics.
Community Healthcare
Human Services that are located within Santa Cruz Valley in Southern Arizona.
Points of Interest
Arizona's smallest county is well known as a birders' hot spot with lush riparian areas.
Santa Cruz Valley History
Santa Cruz County borders Mexico and its the gateway to North America's most important port of entry.
Ancestry & Archaeology
Explore our cultural traditions, historic places, and natural treasures of the Santa Cruz Valley.
Arizona State Facts
Get the state's facts, from population, motto, name of origin, and lots more.